Tuesday, May 11, 2010

An old video

Lately I've realized how much I love creating.  I am an engineer and other stuff by training, but by no means a drama/theater/arts major.

I've made quite a few, not many I can share with the world because I am not sure the subjects would be happy to be in the internet (which lasts forever).

Here's one I made of the gremlins.  It's 1/3 them doing what they want, 1/3 me telling them the general idea and letting them ad-lib, and 1/3 filling in the blanks by telling and showing them exactly what to do.  (Rough numbers, but they get the acting and directing control while I take the editing/post-production control.)

Bottom line -- I let them do what they wanted, let them make up their own plot -- and made a fun film of it.

This was made a while back with less than perfect technology at my hands, and posted via the internet so forgive the graininess.

One thing I'm proud of, if you pay careful attention -- how the music beat is so closely tied to the video.  Sadly, all of my videos to date have been made in an hour or two, so what I post is not perfection.  One day I will make the perfect video.

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