Monday, May 10, 2010


We recently took the gremlins to a local museum in Anaheim that professes to be centered around music.

It's actually two small museums.  One has a very lame exhibit supposedly about jazz greats.  Guess what?  No music, no real exhibits, just about 100 small black-and-white portraits.  Admittedly, great photography but boring when you realize that you have no idea who the majority of the people are and there is no information to help you out.

But... here's what all four of us loved - in the other hall is an exhibit of frogs of all types from all around the world.  The large gremlin stole my camera from me and took hundreds of pictures.

Ugly and hostile-looking:

Proud and dignified:

Huge, fat and slimy (we named him Jabba the Hut):





There were lots more.  We loved the tiny and hugely colorful poisonous Dart Frogs, but they were just too tiny to get pictures of.

There's also a room full of interactive exhibits (computers, games, etc) that we had to literally drag the Gremlins away from.

For what it cost, this was an immense value.  We got a good 3 hours of entertainment for practically nothing.  It's in Anaheim about 1.5 miles northeast of Disneyland.  Link:  Muzeo

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