Monday, March 22, 2010

Saddleback Mountain

We got a late start, so we can't yet check this off our list of things to do.  But We did make it most of the way up to the 5,000+ foot Santiago Peak.

We got out of the house at about 10:30, after the gremlins left.  A long drive brought us to the end of a long, very rough dirt road with several water obstacles and plenty of boulders.

We finally got our climb started around 12:30.  Right from the start, we were treated to beautiful Rose Creek, still running high from the recent rains.

We were giddy as we turned off the popular (translation:  easy) trail, which leads up to a small waterfall and instead began the true climb up Holy Jim trail.  The canyon opened up below us and views toward the ocean began to become visible.  Before we knew it we had climbed 2,000 feet. - a good excuse for a quick rest.

A few miles from the summit, we did a quick calculation and realized we needed to turn back in order to make it off the mountain before dark.  We were hardly tired at all, and a little disappointed not to make it to the peak, so we made ourselves a promise to come back before the weather gets too warm.

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