Thursday, March 18, 2010

Don't call it "Frisco"

That is one sure way to tick off a local.  I lived here for a few years so it was fun to show Yo the "other side" of San Francisco that most visitors don't see.  I purposely steered us away from the typical tourist fare.

Of course, I wouldn't begrudge her the chance to ride a trolley car and view the Golden Gate.

We made a stop to tour the Pompanito.  It's the same class sub that Grandpa Charlie served on in WWII. Yo was in heaven exploring all the different compartments and climbing all over.

Our favorite stop was the Museum of Modern Art, or MOMA.

No, the below picture is not a comment on our relationship!  I just love the black, white and gray with the only splash of color being Yo's face and hand.

Yo's absolute favorite piece:

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